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Upscaling the production capability, reducing the delivery time by using re-usable tanks

  • Food processing factory (drinks and other fruit juices)
  • Category:Cost and labor saving
  • From Apr 2021 to Aug 2021

Issues before responses


・Replaced the deteriorated liquid sugar storage tank with a new one.

The requirements and targets from the customer

・Cost reduced by increasing the number of tank trucks.

・Safety and quality ensured.

・Existing pipe system and pumps to be reused.

What we did

・Reducing the time for technical discussion, design, modification, transportation, hence, the delivery time was shortened.

・Removed the damaged tank, fixed it and put it back in place in the same day.

・The pipes and valves were installed as soon as they arrived.

・To reduce cost, the pipes were connected by utilizing existing accessories.


・The delivery time of the finished product was shortened thanks to utilizing the used equipment.

・The cost of materials and logistics was decreased thanks to our supply of the tank trucks.

・Labor saving by the supply of the tank truck.

・The cost of the performance was reduced thanks to reusing the existing equipment.