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  3. The improvement of product quality was ensured; the productivity was doubled with the utilization of mixing and water storage tanks

The improvement of product quality was ensured; the productivity was doubled with the utilization of mixing and water storage tanks

  • Food processing factory (manufacturing ground flour and dried vegetables)
  • Category:Equipment related matter
  • From Nov 2020 to Jun 2021

Issues before responses


・There was discrepancy of the quality of products due to the changing temperatures of the water input between summer and winter.
The input water needed to be cooled down to produce quality stable products.

The requirements and purposes from the customer

・Quality improvement, productivity improved

・Standardization of work progress for quality stableness.

What we did

・Commissioning the mixing tanks and the storage tanks for the water input.

・Commissioning the chiller integrated with the temperature control of the water input

・Commissioning the night operation system.


・Doubled the production volume with high quality products.
Stable quality of all products by controlling the temperature of the water input using the chiller.

・Reduced the loss ratio, doubled the production volume by using the reusable tank.

・Labor saving by automizing the chiller.

・Production could start right after the meeting ended (delivery time reduced).